The character has had quite the few months having discovered her fiance was a serial groomer
Some Coronation Street fans were left baffled by a personal detail about Dee-Dee Bailey as she struggled to come to terms with her pregnancy news. The character has had quite the few months having discovered her fiance was a serial groomer.
As fans of the ITV soap know, Joel Deering arrived onto the cobbles in September 2023 as a charming solicitor who Dee-Dee soon fell head over heels in love with. But under his smooth exterior Joel was hiding a dark secret – a penchant for younger, underprivileged girls – including Lauren Bolton.
When the truth came out, he quickly found himself as public enemy number one as Dee-Dee teamed up with DS Lisa Swain to bring him down once and for all.
But, Joel’s disappearance was revealed in September after he failed to show his face in court. In the scenes aired at the end of September, a warrant was issued for Joel’s arrest as he was seemingly set to face his comeuppance for some of his twisted crimes after he drugged Lauren in the hope of her miscarrying, but instead prompting the early labour of their son, Frankie.
After transferring money to Lauren and his ex-wife Emily, and leaving an emotional voicemail for his former fiancee Dee-Dee, Joel’s car was found abandoned and it was believed Joel may have ended up taking his own life. The police, however, carried on digging, and the investigation soon turned into solving Joel’s murder after his body was found floating down a river before it was then confirmed he’d been killed with a heavy weapon before entering the water.
After several Weathefield residents were put in the frame, Joel’s murderer was revealed in a stunning episode at the end of last week which featured a series of flashbacks from the night of Joel’s murder, interspersed with DC Kit Green’s police interviews, bringing what really happened on September 27th, confirming that while Max had confronted Joel, it was Lauren who hit him over the head with a brick as he attacked her boyfriend, resulting in him succumbing to his injuries.
The aftermath of Max being charged with Joel’s death is now playing out with some struggling to come to terms with the devastation the evil character has left in his wake, including Dee-Dee.

After teasing the news during her flashback confrontation with Joel, it was confirmed during Monday night’s (November 18) Corrie that Dee-Dee is pregnant with Joel’s baby. After picking up a pregnancy test, Dee-Dee kept the test unopened as she seemed determined to put off finding out the truth.
When Sarah Platt popped round to find Dee-Dee babysitting her niece Glory, there was an awkward moment as Glory pulled out the hidden test. Dee-Dee explained to Sarah that she slept with Joel once when they were still a couple, breaking her vow not to have sex before marriage.
She recalled seeking comfort from Joel after an emotional visit to her friend Paul Foreman, who was in the final stages of living with Motor Neurone Diseas. Sarah urged Dee-Dee to take the test and her friend later told her that the result was negative. However, after walking out on a meeting with a client, the legal expert revealed to Sarah she had lied and the test was positive.
But it was the scenes in which Dee-Dee reunited with her family for a drink in the Rovers Return that got viewers confised. Ed was celebrating as he revealed he’d found a buyer for the builder’s yard, se he, Ronnie and Michael took hold of a glass of whisky, a nervous Dee-Dee took hold of her orange juice and reluctantly celebrated with her loved ones.
However. when they referred to her as ‘Diana’, not all Corrie fans released that was her real name. @ChickPosh said: “Oh she’s called Diana! #Corrie.” @amz07 asked: “Who the f**k is Diana? #corrie.” @OliReading wrote: “#Corrie ‘Diana’ ?!?” alongside a GIF with the caption, ‘Sorry, who?’