Dylan Wilson (Liam McCheyne) made a dangerous decision when Mason Radcliffe (Luca Toolan) returned to Coronation Street. Having previously been threatened by Mason, Dylan decided that he was going to protect himself by obtaining an illegal zombie knife.
Since his return Mason appeared to be a changed character. ‘I think he’s just trying to do right now especially after having a tough time in jail and experiencing a tough life so far,’ Luca Toolan told us.
‘Mason is trying to keep his head above water and do anything he can to survive, if that means playing the nice guy or changing his life around then I hope he will do it.’
So Mason reassured Dylan that he didn’t pose any threat to him. When he found out about the knife he urged Dylan to hand it in to the police, stating that it was a risky thing to have a knife because it could always be used against you.
Dylan failed to get rid of the knife and Mason’s words sadly came true. When Matty and Logan (Seamus McGoff and Harry Lowbridge) came after Mason, a scared Dylan produced the knife and ordered them to leave their brother alone.
Logan punched Dylan and grabbed the knife, and as Mason tried to help Dylan he was stabbed by his brother. He died in hospital a short while later.
In the wake of this, a distraught Dylan confessed to Sean (Antony Cotton) that he was the owner of the knife that was used to kill Mason. He begged his dad to help him go on the run, but Sean refused and turned him in to the police.

Dylan was arrested on suspicion of murder and questioned by Kit (Jacob Roberts). Eventually he was allowed to leave on bail, but Dylan realised that he was in a massive amount of trouble whatever the outcome.
Things look a little better for him in upcoming episodes when police recover CCTV footage of the brothers disposing of the knife, but Dylan is still in despair.
He feels a huge amount of guilt over Mason’s death and tries to console himself by getting drunk on vodka.
Eventually he’s summoned back to the police station, where Kit tells him he’ll be charged with possession of a bladed article.
Dylan is absolutely petrified, realising that he could well be facing a custodial sentence.
However, in the emotional new spoiler video, Dylan makes it clear that he feels he deserves to be punished, as he feels solely responsible for Mason’s death.
Though Sean tries to convince him that he wasn’t to blame, Dylan is adamant that the wrong person died that day.
Sean is left devastated and feels guilty for shopping his son. Did he do the right thing?