The actress was seen bowing out of the ITV soap as Yasmeen Nazir after 10 years
Coronation Street star Shelley King has spoken out after her last scenes were aired after 10 years. The actress was seen bowing out of the ITV soap as Yasmeen Nazir.
Her exit was seen during Monday night’s (March 10) episode of Corrie after Yasmeen decided to head for pastures new working with a charity in London.
Shelley first appeared in Corrie as Yasmeen back in 2014 and has portrayed the character through a number of the show’s biggest storylines, including the heartbreaking abuse at the hands of her husband Geoff Metcalfe.
In her exit scenes, Yasmeen was seen sitting down her granddaughter Alya in the Rovers to tell her: “I had a call from the charity, someone dropped out and they want me to start immediately.”
But the Speed Daal owner said: “I can’t just leave, and I don’t have anywhere to live down there.” However, Alya, played by Sair Khan told her that she could stay with Zeedan until she’s sorted and that she would look after the restaurant until her share is sold.
After heading to pack, it wasn’t too long before Yasmeen returned to the Rovers to tell Alya that in the brief time she’d ben away, she’d managed to sell her share of Speed Daal to Leanne Battersby.
It was later Alya who helped her to the car to say their final goodbyes. “Will you please look after my plants, just until I can get my own place and move everything down?” Yasmeen enquired before remembering her beloved chickens, with Alya vowing to take care of them.
“We have had some trying times on this street,” Yasmeen reflected before Alya shared: “Dad dying, Grandad going, all that stuff with Zeedan.” Yasmeen interjected: “And Geoff,” before Alya positively added: “We survived it all.”

(Image: ITV)
Following the episode, Corrie shared a video filmed by Shelley to its social media pages. Speaking to the camera, the soap star said: “Hello everybody, Yasmeen here. Or I’m also known as Shelley King but Yasmeen has been my name for the last ten and a half years in this glorious street.
“I’ve been so privileged to be living in number six. I’ve had the most wonderful time. I’m very sad to be leaving. I just felt I’d have to try going back to the stage maybe, try to refresh Yasmeen. We’re very close Yas and I and as you probably know, Yas is going to do other things. She will not say goodbye. She will say, as the French do, ‘À bientôt’, which meens see you soon, somewhere, somehow.”
Shelley went on to share: “And look, I’d just like to say that I’ve also been hugeley priveleged to have the story about domestic abuse. It was so well written and so well researched and I’ve had so many letters from you, my audience, all of you, saying how much it helped you.
“That’s the wonder of Coronation Street. That’s why I’m so proud to have been in it for this long because there are so issues that the street can inform and does so and treats with great gentleness and purpose.”
She rounded off by adding: “So, what can I say? Thank you all for watching, keep watching and I’ll say again, ‘C’est pas [it’s not] goodbye, Adieu [farewell] it is, Au revoir [goodbye]. Bye bye for now.”
And not all Corrie fans were happy with how Yasmeen left the Cobbles. @jeffnewton1 said: “#Corrie Yes a low-key exit for Yasmeen. She deserved better.” @CHG3899 wrote: “Shelly King has been sensational as Yasmeen. I know we haven’t seen much of the character of late, but I will miss her. Perhaps she’ll return in a few Years #Corrie.”
@Rurz commented: “Farewell Yasmeen! I think she deserved a better exit than the usual soap trope of getting a job offer and packing your life away in the space of an episode! Would have liked to have seen another appearance of Ghost Geoff too! Hope she pops back for a visit sometime! #Corrie.” @OliReading added: “#Corrie catching up… Yasmeen having an unremarkable exit after decades of service on the street.”