EastEnders fans ‘crack code’ on new Tommy Moon mystery as they fear for character

EastEnders fans ‘crack code’ on new Tommy Moon mystery as they fear for character

A young character is back in the spotlight after being away from trouble for several months

EastEnders fans have put on their detective hats to try crack a new mystery this week – amid fears a character is ‘being radicalised’ online.

After several months of living with his next-door-neighbour Zack Hudson, Tommy Moon is attempting to make amends for being abusive to his family.

In scenes aired on Monday evening (March 3), he met with his parents Kat and Alfie to discuss moving back in with them in the coming days.

The conversation showed a new side to Tommy, who told his parents that he has made some new friends in an online group who have been offering him advice on his situation.

Kat and Alfie were delighted to see their son making some progress, with Tommy even suggesting that he wants to start a support group with Zack to prevent any teens going down a similar path to his.

Later in the episode, Alfie told Tommy that he was proud of him and wanted to have a ‘lads night’ with him and Zack to celebrate his hard work and return to their home.

Tommy Moon has spent recent moths living with his neighbour Zack Hudson(Image: BBC)

However, fans are adamant that all is not as it seems with Tommy, with many suggesting that he might be under the influencer of ‘alpha male’ influencers who promote harmful topics such as misogyny and sexism.

@lasagneinmyshoe said: “Is Tommy being radicalised online after physically abusing his mum? Didn’t this exact storyline happen with Denny??? #EastEnders.” @iianwich added: “Sorry but Tommy is absolutely doing something devious with them ‘online friends’ #eastenders.”

@juliastheme wrote: “Tommy dropping these philosophical gems he’s getting from online friends and then wearing a vaguely self-satisfied expression every time someone makes it clear they’ve ‘forgiven’ him/fallen for what he’s saying has me concerned.” @doveyy_ noted: “I feel like a Tommy alt right pipeline storyline is brewing and if done well, I’m really here for it #EastEnders.”

@Craicthewhip_ posted: “So is Tommy gonna be joining a cult or something? #Eastenders.” @SmitheringAdam commented: “What is the evil Tommy up to now. Tbf I’m quite intrigued. #eastenders.”

Toxic masculinity has been on-the-rise around the world in recent years, with a number of ‘life gurus’ gaining fame through providing their followers with harmful ‘life lessons’.

A recent report from the Family Education Trust, found that one third of English secondary schools and academies are teaching about toxic masculinity in mandatory Relationships or Health Education (RSHE) courses.

The courses encourage male students to open up about their feelings and not live their lives based on the words of someone behind their screens who they haven’t met.

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